Communications Writing
Types of Communication Writing
Press Release
Sample of crisis communication piece written about the fictional tragic incident that occurred in Westmount, London, Ontario in Canada.
Creative Brief
Creative Brief on the Extra Gum Give Extra Get Extra Campaign.
News Story
Two pieces that report on the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic had on communities and individuals.
Press Release & Analysis: Crisis Communication
Background & Analysis
In Westmount, London, Ontario in Canada the citizens of a small close knit town find themselves furious when a coal mine avalanche destroys a whole street, killing up to 100 civilians. The citizens are extremely distraught and have blamed their mayor for allowing the mining waste to pile up to such a height, causing an avalanche that was easily avoidable.
The victims' families: It is important for government officials to ensure that all the victims' families are addressed and taken care of during this crisis. As soon as the families of those directly affected forgive the mayor's office for this tragedy, it will push the rest of the citizens to do so as well.
The coal mining companies: It is extremely important that all coal miners in nearby areas are aware of this tragedy so that these workers can prompt the government to be more vigilant in implementing stricter policies for mining waste in the future.
The citizens living in Byron, a neighboring town from where the incident occurred: All citizens living in Byron that were not directly affected deserve an explanation for why the incident occurred, and need reassurance that something similar will not happen to their town. It is also important to address any remnants of chemicals in the air that may be toxic when inhaled. This will relieve some tension in this area of London and restore the reputation of the mayor.
Press Release
“The city council is deeply saddened by the event that took place on January 5th, 2021 in Westmount, London, Ontario that affected the lives of over 100 of our very own citizens. All parties responsible for the occurrence of this incident would like to sincerely apologize and give their condolences to the victims of this tragedy. They will be greatly missed by all and certainly will not be forgotten.
A mural will be painted in the town square next week in memory of all the victims and will be revealed at 6 pm followed by a service led by our own Reverend John.
The victims' families can sign up on our website to be a part of a support group for all those in our community that were affected by this tragedy. Additional resources are also available on our website for further support.”
To inform the victims’ families on everything being done to reprimand this terrible tragedy to gain 8% more governmental support a month after the date of the tragedy. This objective has a positive correlation to being successful since the families that were affected by this crisis are the ones who are most upset and would need more time to trust in their government again.
To educate all coal mine workers on the sensitivity of this issue to improve the relationship between coal miners and citizens by 50% within the next 3 weeks. The coal miners are all shocked by this event and will be willing to try and help with this issue that is closely related to them and to try and relieve some of the blame they have received.
To create a more supportive community that is willing to work with their neighboring towns and government to improve social relationships in London, Ontario by 15% by March 5th, two months after the incident. Since the citizens of Byron were close in proximity to the people who had been affected, it will be a little harder to gain their support as they would have probably created close relationships with the families affected and may not be willing to cooperate.
A statement directed to the victims' families was released by the communication office inside the mayor's office stating the following in today's paper. Since the victims' families are eagerly waiting for a statement from government officials they will be actively checking the paper more frequently during this time.
Creative Brief
To communicate to the audience their need for Extra gum in their everyday lives so that maybe one day they also could find love. Additionally, to drive the desire to cherish the little moments in life with the product slogan in mind ‘give Extra get Extra’ which allows the audience to think of small actions such as handing someone a piece of gum, which is a universal kind gesture that would resonate with people from multiple backgrounds and culture. Lastly, to drive action towards more engagement on Extra Gum’s socials by encouraging people to share different pictures on Instagram of moments with their loved ones with the hashtag #GIVEEXTRAGETEXTRA.
Support/Reason to Believe
Extra gum has a distinct packaging method that makes it much easier to share with others which make the message easier to believe. Additionally, due to their slogan, the message feels more credible since it is a message that as a brand they emphasize. Extra gum also has distinctly thicker gum wrappers which makes it that drawing on them and using them more creatively is believable.
Target Audience
The target audience’s demographic would be adolescents between the ages of 18-25 who are currently in that stage of life where they are looking for love. More specifically a 22-year-old senior in undergraduate school who is not too sure what she is doing with her career yet is single and looking for that special someone. Also, with all this change happening in her life is learning to appreciate the smaller things in life whilst in this coming-of-age period of her life with graduation coming up. This ad would make this certain person feel nostalgic of the feeling of being in a relationship and hopeful to find that special someone and having their own ‘meet cute’ which is an amusing first moment between two people that they help bring two people together, which in this ad would be the first time she handed him a piece of gum. Lastly, this ad would resonate with this target audience due to their tendency to read romance books and watch romantic comedies, in hopes of one day finding their special person.
The intended tone of this ad is hope since it is looking to bring hope to the audience to one day find love. Additionally, another tone in this ad is care since it shows how far the act of giving can go and how much more you can get in return. Lastly, is ad has an emotional tone since it shows you the ups and downs of their relationship and has a strong storyline that can truly pull at the audience’s heartstrings.
Key Message/Takeaway
Extra gum is the only gum out there that will help you create connections with others which will ultimately help you find love. Extra gum hopes to drive people to give more which will cause them to receive more and attribute positive feelings towards Extra gum. Lastly, Extra gum wrappers have multiple uses such as being used to express art and moments in our lives.
News Stories:
COVID-19 Pandemic
Food insecurity is on the rise due to COVID-19, WFP warns
COVID-19 has worsened the global hunger crisis due to an economic recession, and the breakdown of supply chains, access to healthcare, and social safety nets, a World Food Program USA spokesperson said last week.
Developing countries are highest at risk of being affected, said Goldie Pyka, Senior Manager for editorial content and brand.
“This is the worst hunger crisis since World War Two hands down,” said Pyka who has worked for the World Food Program (WFP) for two years.
Following the outbreak of the pandemic, 270 million people are “severely starving,” Pyka said in a recorded address to about 200 students at Boston University. Countries such as Yemen, Syria, and South Sudan are most vulnerable to said food insecurity.
According to the United Nations, the combination of COVID-19 and the Aug. 4, 2020, Beirut explosion has halted commercial supply chains in Syria. These events have caused an increase in food prices and a decrease in the lack of resources available to civilians.
In South Sudan, the cost of living and fuel has risen due to a growing economic crisis, according to Oxfam Charity. Civilians have been left unemployed, homeless, and food insecure due to a depletion of stocks in local markets.
Social security programs are also not widespread in less economically developed countries, Pyka revealed, with fewer than 20% of civilians being protected.
“A child in Yemen dies every 10 seconds from hunger-related causes,” Pyka said, referring to the absence of healthcare which has been heightened by the pandemic.
The Senior Manager drew a positive correlation between individuals who suffer from food insecurity and those who have compromised immune systems. Pyka went further to say that these vulnerable individuals are failing to be medically treated.
The WFP aims to feed 138 million people by 2030. To combat food insecurity and re-stimulate local economies, the organization is taking part in cash-in-hand schemes and food distribution programs to 83 countries.
The United Nations-affiliated organization also established a School Meals Program in developing countries to provide for school children. A one-dollar investment is equivalent to a 20 dollar return, Pyka explained in an effort for American citizens to get involved.
The rise in food insecurity will see an increase in mass migration from developing nations to countries like the United States, Pyka warned in her address. Political destabilization, in the form of strikes, is likely to occur due to tensions between locals and immigrants.
The WFP is continuing to combat global hunger by feeding the world’s most vulnerable populations, but Pyka believes that America can do more.
“It is the most solvable problem. We just need the resources and collective will to make it happen,” Pyka said in her closing statement.
The COVID-19 pandemic had massive societal, economic, environmental, and mental health impacts on individuals and various communities. Providing a platform for individuals to share their experiences during this time is vital to continue to educate others and spread information on current issues and events.
The fourth wave of COVID-19: mental health issues
Running, cooking, and meditating are some of the many activities students engaged in to help deal with the stresses that came with the recent COVID-19 pandemic according to college students interviewed last week.
During the pandemic, depression rates increased by three times higher in adults compared to pre-COVID years according to 2021 research from the Boston University School of Public Health.
Miya Stauss, a 19-year-old Boston University undergraduate, said she ran a lot around her neighborhood and went to the gym to stay active and relieve stress during the pandemic.
“I also went on walks with my family”, she stated last Tuesday over Zoom.
Quarantine and self-isolation were some of the main drives that caused an increase in depression rates. According to the Texas A&M School of Public Health, there was a 9% increase in depression in students stuck in-home quarantine across 6 universities.
Daisy Valderrama, a Boston University music undergraduate student, tackled feeling depressed during the pandemic by focusing on the smaller everyday activities such as getting ready every morning. They also shared how playing Animal Crossing, a popular Nintendo game that was released in 2019, helped pass the time.
“It kind of simulates real life; you have to pay mortgage, regular day hours, and long term goals”, they stated in an online interview last Thursday.
Women were at the highest risk for exhibiting a high prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms according to a study conducted by the University of Paris.
Audrey Kong, a student at Boston University, found that Animal Crossing was too stressful during such uncertain times because she said she is a perfectionist. Instead, she started using the meditation app Headspace. She mainly did the ones targeted towards helping overwhelming feelings, “I did all the one-minute ones because I couldn’t focus further than that but still found it super helpful.”
Public health professionals should prepare for a fourth wave where more psychological trauma and mental illnesses will rise as a long-term effect after the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Dr. Sheri Madigan, a clinical psychologist, stated in a video conference in May 2021.
“The fourth wave is likely going to be a very significant consequence of the pandemic that we are going to have mental health difficulties and that it is likely going to sustain over time”, she said.
Samer Aslan, a Johns Hopkins undergraduate, stayed active by doing at-home workouts to deal with everyday stress. He also rediscovered a past passion for cooking as he stated, “I made my first seafood risotto which made me fall in love with cooking again which was a great feeling during such stressful times”.
The Centers for Disease Control offers tips to deal with the stress of the pandemic such as to take breaks from reading information about COVID-19 online, to keep connecting with others, and to further be a part of your community on a guide written in January 2021 to help people combat the fourth wave of the pandemic.
Dr. Ruth Shim, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Davis, said that we have to keep in mind that “the rise in depression rates in the COVID pandemic are attributable to multiple determinants of mental health including unemployment, food insecurity, poverty, discrimination, adverse early life experience, and poor access to health care.”
Egyptian Kahk Cookies Journey
Bringing to a whisk, we mix the best quality ghee from Egypt, floor, and milk until it turns into a paste form to create our dough. Then, we pour the dough into a bowl and seal it with a plastic sheet to let it rise until the next day for use. The filling of the dough, agameya, is made by mixing organic Egyptian honey, sesame seeds, and more ghee over the stove until a honey paste is created. It is also left overnight to cool off.
These are the first steps out of many on how to make these signature Egyptian cookies called Kahk. Khak is an Egyptian homemade butter cookie that is filled with honey and sesame and decorated with traditional stenciling and powdered sugar. They are typically made and eaten during the time of Eid Al Fitr which is a religious holiday that occurs after the month of Ramadan. To understand the significance of these little baked goods, firstly, it is important to understand the true meaning of Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr. Ramadan is a time of year where all Muslims take 30 days to fast from food, water, and any negative wants from sunrise to sunset. It is truly a time to reflect on our lives and be closer to God. Ask any Muslim, this is always described as the best time of year since it brings us closer to our families and friends. We end up celebrating with a big feast every night at sunset and spend hours together. After Ramadan ends, we celebrate three days of Eid Al Fitr by waking up early in the morning to pray and eat breakfast for the first time in 30 days. On this day, we get presents and have a large dinner later with the whole family to celebrate; however, Eid in an Egyptian household is not Eid without Kahk.
We sit at the table, all in our separate stations, to start making the Kahk the day after leaving them too cool. The first station consists of all the dough and a scale. Every dough ball is equally weighed to all come out the same size. Next, the same thing is happening but with the honey filling. The weighted Kahk ball and agameya are passed onto the next person who shapes them into small bowls and places the filling inside, to then create it into a small ball shape.
Every summer my family and I would visit Egypt during Kahk season. The smell of the ghee on our fingers, my aunt's laughter echoing through our shared home, and me and my cousins nibbling on the agameya when no one was looking are all memories that fill up my brain when reminiscing of this time of year. Kahk making could last up to four to five days. We would make batches of around 6 kilos of Kahk a day all whilst still fasting. As a kid, I never understood why we made so many cookies. We would never eat them at the end. One day I asked my grandma where all the Kahk went. She looked at me and smiled as she said, “The Kahk isn’t for us, we make it for our friends, family, and everyone in our community.” I was so confused. I didn’t understand. Why would anyone spend so much time, money, and energy to make all these cookies for other people? I never truly understood why until now.
The most important step of the Kahk making process would be the decorating as it is a long lived tradition in Egypt to use tweezers to make the adorning on the top. You gently have to squeeze the surface of the dough to make little lines and align them in whatever order you would like.
This process is what truly gives the Kahk originality and a beautiful finish. Making Kahk has a lot of tradition and history to the whole process. That is why when COVID hit, my whole family's spirits were extremely down from having to skip out on such an important tradition to all Egyptians.
My mom decided that this year, since we were stuck in lockdown, we are going to attempt to make Kahk at home. I spoke to her later about what her reasons were for finally making her own Kahk during the lockdown in an interview last week and she stated, “Nothing has the power to make you feel like you’re at home like food does.” Hearing her express how much Kahk makes her feel connected to Egypt helped me really understand the importance of it all. So, going along with the challenge of making Kahk that year I found myself truly understanding the real meaning behind this long-lived tradition.
Lastly, you put the Kahk in the oven for around 10 minutes. As soon as they are ready, you leave them to cool on a cooling rack. Finally, you strain some powdered sugar onto them and put them out for display.
Kahk has been a long-lasting tradition for years in Egypt. It has been around since the 10th century in Egypt in palace kitchens and were made stuffed with gold coins to later than be distributed to the poor during Eid. This shows that the whole process of making Kahk truly represents the nature of the Eid Al Fitr holiday. It is all about giving to others, especially the people who need it most. By making them all the same size you allow everyone to have the same amount. It also symbolized how marginalized as a society Egypt truly is. As seen by the World Bank, over 31 million of the Egyptian population is suffering from extreme poverty. That is why the most important step of giving Kahk is making sure that it is reached to all types of people with different economic backgrounds. I only realized that when I did Kahk at home with my mom. We made up to 10 kgs of Kahk that year and spent from morning until night making them.
Being able to give back to our community and reconnecting with so many people was such a beautiful experience that took me back to that day with my grandmother.
Making me realize how giving all those Khaks filled me up more than eating any number of Kahks ever could.
Kahk: Egyptian traditional cookies
Assortment of Arabic sweets and desserts